"What do I do now?!?!" Once I had a roof over my head I could concentrate on my health and figuring out what to do. I KNEW I had to work. I took a seasonal job the following year with Williams-Sonoma. It was a fun Christmas. I was very self-conscious of my prosthesis..but no-one seemed to know..or if they did...care! W-S treated their employees well....a free Wusthof chef's knife as a present! Plus, every so often a bag of stuff was given to us as we'd end a shift. This would be if there were products that were approaching their "use by" date and so on..it was pretty cool! I did that for 1 season at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa then the next holiday season I transferred to the Palos Verde Peninsula store...brand-new...was very nice. By this time I was firmly entrenched studying for my real estate license. Probably the hardest exam I ever took! That's a whole other story. I didn't like it,. ugh. not at all. I liked the people...my Broker and owners and all at Sandpiper Properties in Long Beach were wonderful...it's a GREAT office. If you need to buy or sell property..or looking to rent in Southern Calif, contact Sandpiper Properties in Long Beach, CA! I just was never comfortable hustling for clients. But the real estate crash of 2008 pretty much did me in...so I went back to working retail at a Wal-Mart until I had my major car accident. That pretty much sealed-the-deal for me working. The SSI judge agreed. After a court-process and a surgery (neck fusion) and shoulder therapy and still-having-chronic pain (oh yeah..every day!) I decided ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH.
"What do I do now?!?!" I went back to doing what I love and what fills me the most with joy....SINGING. ACTING, too. But primarily singing. Starving artist??? You know it! But I love it. But the thing is, I'm singing more and more and taking steps to increase my performances. I want to start a Swing/Dixieland-type band...not wanting to limit the type of music I'd be singing..but everything from Gay '90's to Dixieland to Swing with a splattering of Broadway and Crooning thrown in. Again..ya can't label it! More on this whole area in my next Blog.
I keep Rising Above (the title of my CD and one-man show!). I keep rising up like the Phoenix. As "A Course In Miracles" teaches, paraphrasing here: "When things fall apart, things fall together." I may keep falling apart....but I keep getting back together, unlike Humpty Dumpty!
"What do YOU do now?!?!" You meditate. You find new passions if the old ones have faded away. You set new goals and you start taking steps...maybe tiny steps, at first. Take one step a day. There were days...and there still are days..where I can only get ONE thing done on my To-Do list..due to my mental state or physical state that day. It's a journey...a process. It hurts at times. T.O.S. Take One Step. Take one item a day. In one year....that is 365 STEPS! 365 things crossed off your To-Do List! That is a LOT!!!! Just do one thing a day! You will feel better mentally and physically. When you look back..even in a week..a month..you will be AMAZED at what you have done! I know the power of vegging out and laying on that sofa and not doing a damn thing. So, get up..and do ONE THING EACH DAY! Then build on it until you can do 2, 3 4...maybe the whole list in ONE day! J.D.I! "Just do it!" Just do ONE thing a day to start! You will be amazed!
As I type this, tonight starts Rosh Hashana for my Jewish friends. Happy New Year! To me, it's the start of the holiday season.....3 months...a full quarter of holiday-ing. Autumn starts this coming Friday, my favorite time of year! I've already started thinking of holiday cooking. I even made a batch of my Apple Butter that is in my cookbook "Cookin' In the Kitchen With The Bagby's" that everyone seems to love....I should sell it! (Something for my To-do List!). My decorations for Fall are still boxed but will be "outed" by the weekend. To Order the cookbook: https://www.amazon.com/Cookin-Kitchen-Bagbys-Recipes-Kansas/dp/1541022467/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1505943656&sr=8-1&keywords=Cookin%27+In+The+Kitchen+With+the+Bagby%27s
Have a great week! Have a great first week of Fall!
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